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eCommerce Development

Your eCommerce website design serves as the online version of your traditional brick and mortar store. Just like the layout of your physical store, the quality and design of your online store can be the deciding factor in whether a sale is made or the customer decides to go with another product.

We specialize in eCommerce Development and can help you create an online store that is easy to use and helps build your brand image as well as creates an enjoyable experience for your customers.

PCI Compliance and Payment Gateway Integration

MasseyMedia is a PCI compliant host and developer providing years of expertise and experience in credit card applications and integration. We have interfacing built for all major credit card processors and continually maintain industry standard procedures and processes to keep your customers credit card information safe and secure.

Closeup shot of a lock on credit cards - credit card data security concept

We have been integrating with eCommerce payment gateways for 20+ years. Below is a collection of some of the more popular gateway companies we have integrated with:


PCI Compliancy is a major component of website security and keeping credit card information safe and secure.  Our servers are built to maintain PCI compliance and are scanned regularly for compliance verification.

Stripe. Com payment gateway & ecommerce payment vendor
Intuit payment gateway & ecommerce payment vendor
Authorize. Net payment gateway & ecommerce payment vendor
Cybersource payment gateway & ecommerce payment vendor
Elavon payment gateway & ecommerce payment vendor
Controlscan pci compliancy scanning