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Managed IT Services

Rapidly advancing technology and the dynamic business landscape create unique challenges for many organizations today. Complex hardware configurations, disparate systems, emerging communication trends, cloud computing, security threats, regulatory requirements, and scarcity of technology talent are only a few of the issues growing companies must tackle.

Most small businesses cannot afford a full-time staff person dedicated to computer issues. This is where we come in. For an hourly or on-contract basis, our technicians are on call and online when you need them. One call is all it takes.

We monitor your systems activity in real-time.  We can monitor and manage computers, servers, networks, door access systems, and security cameras.  With automated alerts and thresholds for different device types, we have full visibility into device or group behaviors that keep us two steps ahead of any looming incidents.

We are able to automate manual and repetitive tasks by setting IT automation profiles and assigning them to different devices and/or end-users. We are able to trigger remediation steps based on threshold settings allowing for no-contact resolution to some issues. 

Patch Management

We manage all OS patches for Windows and Mac and also automate software installation, patching and updates for a wide range of software. WE can create sets of applications for installation on new PC’s to help reduce setup and launch times. 

Our remote management application allows us to remotely manage tasks, services, and commands.  We are able to uninstall applications, run scripts, install patches, and manage your devices without having to be on the machine.  In instances where we need to do remote work, we are capable of remoting into a machine and performing tasks as your watch. 

We are able to collect and manage asset and inventory your systems.  We are able to monitor items such as warranty expiration, devive ownership, location, and other aspect of your devices.

Reporting and analytics

With a database of your computers, network, and other devices, we are able to produce reports that help keep you on top of your IT systems.  Expiration reports, resource overages, etc can be reported.