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American Bettors’ Voice | Website Development & Website Design

I received a phone call from Richard Scheutz about a new venture that he and some other sports betting heavy hitters were looking to start.  I was asked to submit a proposal for Website Design and Website Development.  Of course!  This began an intense development, design, and consulting project that resulted in American Bettors’ Voice.

MasseyMedia was hired to:

  • Create a website for end-users to access pertinent information created by American Bettors’ Voice, listen to its podcast, and provide a forum for discussion.
  • Create eCommerce capabilities that would allow purchasing memberships on the front end and be manageable on an administrative system.
  • Create a backend that allowed American Bettors’ Voice to create mass emails to be sent.  These emails can be targeted based on information captured via the front end – such as email by state, title, or any other demographic item.
  • We also created a middle layer allowing members to access their account information and eventually member-only content.

Utilizing custom website development and modern website design, MasseyMedia created a sharp, well-focused website to serve as a landing place for all things sports betting advocacy.  We also designed a backend system that manages all membership information, email design & launch capabilities, message analytical information, and website performance.

American Bettors’ Voice exists to “assist the sports betting industry in achieving a sustainable model by securing a seat at the table for the sports betting consumer and giving them a voice”.

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